




Tetrachloroethylene application field

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Tetrachloroethylene application field

Time:2021.11.15   Source:www.anrunchem.com   Views:

Tetrachloroethylene application field
1. Tetrachloroethylene has a wide range of uses, mainly used as a metal degreasing solvent, and also used as an intestinal insect repellent. Tetrachloroethylene can be used as a fat extractant, fire extinguishing agent and smoke screen agent, etc., and can also be used to synthesize trichloroethylene and fluorine-containing organic compounds.
2. It is widely used as a dry cleaning agent for natural and synthetic fibers. Also used as metal degreasing detergent and general solvent, organic synthesis intermediates, etc.
3. Used as a standard substance for chromatographic analysis.
4. Insect repellent and fat extractant used in adhesives, and also used in organic synthesis.

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