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Chemical properties of Titanium Dioxide

Time:2021.11.08   Source:www.anrunchem.com   Views:

Chemical properties of titanium dioxide
The chemical properties of titanium dioxide are extremely stable, and it is a slightly acidic amphoteric oxide. It hardly reacts with other elements and compounds at room temperature, and has no effect on oxygen, ammonia, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, and sulfur dioxide. It is insoluble in water, fat, dilute acid, inorganic acid and alkali, but only soluble in hydrogen. Fluoric acid. But under the action of light, titanium dioxide can undergo continuous oxidation-reduction reactions and has photochemical activity. This kind of photochemical activity is especially obvious under ultraviolet irradiation. This property makes titanium dioxide a photosensitive oxidation catalyst for some inorganic compounds and a photosensitive reduction catalyst for some organic compounds.
Emergency treatment: Isolate the leaked contaminated area and restrict access. It is recommended that emergency personnel wear dust masks (full face masks) and general work clothes. Avoid dust, sweep up carefully, put in a bag and transfer to a safe place. If there is a large amount of leakage, cover it with plastic sheeting or canvas. Collect and recycle or transport to waste disposal sites for disposal.

Titanium Dioxide

Titanium dioxide (or titanium dioxide) is widely used in various structural surface coatings, paper coatings and fillers, plastics and elastomers, and other uses include ceramics, glass, catalysts, coating fabrics, printing inks, roof tiles and fluxes. According to statistics, the global demand for titanium dioxide in 2006 reached 4.6 million tons, of which the coatings industry accounted for 58%, the plastics industry accounted for 23%, papermaking 10%, and other 9%. Titanium dioxide can be made from ilmenite, rutile, or titanium slag. There are two production processes for titanium dioxide: sulfate process and chloride process. The technology of the sulfate method is simpler than that of the chloride method, and it can supply low-level and cheaper minerals. Today, about 47% of the world's production capacity uses the sulfate process, and 53% of the production capacity is the chloride process.

上一篇: Titanium dioxide identification method
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