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What are the hazards of epoxy resin?

Time:2021.11.08   Source:www.anrunchem.com   Views:

What is the hazard of epoxy resin? It is toxic

When the epoxy resin solvent exceeds a certain concentration within a certain range, people will feel headache, nausea, vomiting and fatigue of the limbs. Therefore, ventilation measures should be taken during construction.

Epoxy resin itself is non-toxic and is an actual non-toxic product. However, the curing agent and diluent added when epoxy resin is used are generally toxic, and the curing agent of modified amine is less toxic. Other types of curing agents also have a certain degree of toxicity, but the degree is different, but basically low toxicity. The formulation system of the epoxy system is very complicated, and it is designed eastward, there are many western countries. It is impossible to be completely non-toxic. Only in the process of processing, production and use, strict compliance with the operating procedures can be achieved, and protection is of utmost importance. The cured epoxy resin is non-toxic, which means it is not higher than other plastic products.


1. Wear knitted or rubber gloves and use glue to avoid accidental contamination of your hands.

2. Skin contact with soap can be washed, generally will not hurt your hands, if you accidentally touch the eyes, use immediately

Wash with plenty of water. If the condition is serious, please see a doctor in time.

3. The workplace should be ventilated, and fireworks should be prevented from being used in large quantities.

4. When there is a large amount of leakage, first open the windows for ventilation and pay attention to fireworks and firecrackers, then cover them with sand, and then remove them.

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